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Utilities for accessing round ID metadata


get_round_idx(config_tasks, round_id)

  flatten = c("all", "model_task", "task_id", "none")



a list version of the content's of a hub's tasks.json config file, accessed through the "config_tasks" attribute of a <hub_connection> object or function read_config().


Character string. Round identifier. If the round is set to round_id_from_variable: true, IDs are values of the task ID defined in the round's round_id property of config_tasks. Otherwise should match round's round_id value in config. Ignored if hub contains only a single round.


Character. Whether and how much to flatten output.

  • "all": Complete flattening. Returns a character vector of unique round IDs across all rounds.

  • "model_task": Flatten model tasks. Returns a list with an element for each round. Each round element contains a character vector of unique round IDs across all round model tasks. Only applicable if round_id_from_variable is TRUE.

  • "task_id": Flatten task ID. Returns a nested list with an element for each round. Each round element contains a list with an element for each model task. Each model task element contains a character vector of unique round IDs. across required and optional properties. Only applicable if round_id_from_variable is TRUE

  • "none": No flattening. If round_id_from_variable is TRUE, returns a nested list with an element for each round. Each round element contains a nested element for each model task. Each model task element contains a nested list of required and optional character vectors of round IDs. If round_id_from_variable is FALSE,a list with a round ID for each round is returned.


  • get_round_idx(): Get an integer index of the element in config_tasks$rounds that a character round identifier maps to.

  • get_round_ids(): Get a list or character vector of hub round IDs. For each round, if round_id_from_variable is TRUE, round IDs returned are the values of the task ID defined in the round_id property. Otherwise, if round_id_from_variable is FALSE, the value of the round_id property is returned.


hub_con <- connect_hub(system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils"))
config_tasks <- attr(hub_con, "config_tasks")
# Get round IDs
#> [1] "2022-10-01" "2022-10-08" "2022-10-15" "2022-10-22" "2022-10-29"
get_round_ids(config_tasks, flatten = "model_task")
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "2022-10-01" "2022-10-08"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "2022-10-15" "2022-10-22" "2022-10-29"
get_round_ids(config_tasks, flatten = "task_id")
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> [1] "2022-10-01" "2022-10-08"
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]][[1]]
#> [1] "2022-10-15" "2022-10-22" "2022-10-29"
get_round_ids(config_tasks, flatten = "none")
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]$required
#> [[1]][[1]]$optional
#> [1] "2022-10-01" "2022-10-08"
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]][[1]]
#> [[2]][[1]]$required
#> [[2]][[1]]$optional
#> [1] "2022-10-15" "2022-10-22" "2022-10-29"
get_round_idx(config_tasks, "2022-10-01")
#> [1] 1
get_round_idx(config_tasks, "2022-10-29")
#> [1] 2