Create a model output submission file template
Create a model output submission file template
required_vals_only = FALSE,
complete_cases_only = TRUE
- hub_con
> class object.- config_tasks
a list version of the content's of a hub's
config file, accessed through the"config_tasks"
attribute of a<hub_connection>
object or functionread_config()
.- round_id
Character string. Round identifier. If the round is set to
round_id_from_variable: true
, IDs are values of the task ID defined in the round'sround_id
property ofconfig_tasks
. Otherwise should match round'sround_id
value in config. Ignored if hub contains only a single round.- required_vals_only
Logical. Whether to return only combinations of Task ID and related output type ID required values.
- complete_cases_only
Logical. If
(default) andrequired_vals_only = TRUE
, only rows with complete cases of combinations of required values are returned. IfFALSE
, rows with incomplete cases of combinations of required values are included in the output.
a tibble template containing an expanded grid of valid task ID and
output type ID value combinations for a given submission round
and output type.
If required_vals_only = TRUE
, values are limited to the combination of required
values only.
For task IDs or output_type_ids where all values are optional, by default, columns
are included as columns of NA
s when required_vals_only = TRUE
When such columns exist, the function returns a tibble with zero rows, as no
complete cases of required value combinations exists.
(Note that determination of complete cases does excludes valid NA
values in "mean"
and "median"
output types).
To return a template of incomplete required cases, which includes NA
columns, use
complete_cases_only = FALSE
When a round is set to round_id_from_variable: true
the value of the task ID from which round IDs are derived (i.e. the task ID
specified in round_id
property of config_tasks
) is set to the value of the
argument in the returned output.
hub_con <- connect_hub(
system.file("testhubs/flusight", package = "hubUtils")
create_model_out_submit_tmpl(hub_con, round_id = "2023-01-02")
#> # A tibble: 3,132 × 7
#> forecast_date target horizon location output_type output_type_id value
#> <date> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 2 US pmf large_decrease NA
#> 2 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 1 US pmf large_decrease NA
#> 3 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 2 01 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 4 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 1 01 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 5 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 2 02 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 6 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 1 02 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 7 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 2 04 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 8 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 1 04 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 9 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 2 05 pmf large_decrease NA
#> 10 2023-01-02 wk flu hosp … 1 05 pmf large_decrease NA
#> # ℹ 3,122 more rows
round_id = "2023-01-02",
required_vals_only = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 0 × 7
#> # ℹ 7 variables: forecast_date <date>, target <chr>, horizon <int>,
#> # location <chr>, output_type <chr>, output_type_id <chr>, value <dbl>
round_id = "2023-01-02",
required_vals_only = TRUE,
complete_cases_only = FALSE
#> ! Column "target" whose values are all optional included as all `NA` column.
#> ! Round contains more than one modeling task (2)
#> ℹ See Hub's tasks.json file or <hub_connection> attribute "config_tasks" for
#> details of optional task ID/output_type/output_type ID value combinations.
#> # A tibble: 28 × 7
#> forecast_date target horizon location output_type output_type_id value
#> <date> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 2023-01-02 NA 2 US pmf large_decrease NA
#> 2 2023-01-02 NA 2 US pmf decrease NA
#> 3 2023-01-02 NA 2 US pmf stable NA
#> 4 2023-01-02 NA 2 US pmf increase NA
#> 5 2023-01-02 NA 2 US pmf large_increase NA
#> 6 2023-01-02 NA 2 US quantile 0.01 NA
#> 7 2023-01-02 NA 2 US quantile 0.025 NA
#> 8 2023-01-02 NA 2 US quantile 0.05 NA
#> 9 2023-01-02 NA 2 US quantile 0.1 NA
#> 10 2023-01-02 NA 2 US quantile 0.15 NA
#> # ℹ 18 more rows
# Specifying a round in a hub with multiple rounds
hub_con <- connect_hub(
system.file("testhubs/simple", package = "hubUtils")
create_model_out_submit_tmpl(hub_con, round_id = "2022-10-01")
#> # A tibble: 5,184 × 7
#> origin_date target horizon location output_type output_type_id value
#> <date> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 1 US mean NA NA
#> 2 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 2 US mean NA NA
#> 3 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 3 US mean NA NA
#> 4 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 4 US mean NA NA
#> 5 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 1 01 mean NA NA
#> 6 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 2 01 mean NA NA
#> 7 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 3 01 mean NA NA
#> 8 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 4 01 mean NA NA
#> 9 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 1 02 mean NA NA
#> 10 2022-10-01 wk inc flu hosp 2 02 mean NA NA
#> # ℹ 5,174 more rows
create_model_out_submit_tmpl(hub_con, round_id = "2022-10-29")
#> # A tibble: 25,920 × 8
#> origin_date target horizon location age_group output_type output_type_id
#> <date> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 US 65+ mean NA
#> 2 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 2 US 65+ mean NA
#> 3 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 3 US 65+ mean NA
#> 4 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 4 US 65+ mean NA
#> 5 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 01 65+ mean NA
#> 6 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 2 01 65+ mean NA
#> 7 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 3 01 65+ mean NA
#> 8 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 4 01 65+ mean NA
#> 9 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 02 65+ mean NA
#> 10 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 2 02 65+ mean NA
#> # ℹ 25,910 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <int>
round_id = "2022-10-29",
required_vals_only = TRUE
#> # A tibble: 0 × 8
#> # ℹ 8 variables: origin_date <date>, target <chr>, horizon <int>,
#> # location <chr>, age_group <chr>, output_type <chr>, output_type_id <dbl>,
#> # value <int>
round_id = "2022-10-29",
required_vals_only = TRUE,
complete_cases_only = FALSE
#> ! Column "location" whose values are all optional included as all `NA` column.
#> ℹ See Hub's tasks.json file or <hub_connection> attribute "config_tasks" for
#> details of optional task ID/output_type/output_type ID value combinations.
#> # A tibble: 23 × 8
#> origin_date target horizon location age_group output_type output_type_id
#> <date> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.01
#> 2 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.025
#> 3 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.05
#> 4 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.1
#> 5 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.15
#> 6 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.2
#> 7 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.25
#> 8 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.3
#> 9 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.35
#> 10 2022-10-29 wk inc flu… 1 NA 65+ quantile 0.4
#> # ℹ 13 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <int>