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Convert model output to a model_out_tbl class object.


  model_id_col = NULL,
  output_type_col = NULL,
  output_type_id_col = NULL,
  value_col = NULL,
  sep = "-",
  trim_to_task_ids = FALSE,
  hub_con = NULL,
  task_id_cols = NULL,
  remove_empty = FALSE



a data.frame or tibble of model output data returned from a query to a <hub_connection> object.


character string. If a model_id column does not already exist in tbl, the tbl column name containing model_id data. Alternatively, if both a team_abbr and a model_abbr column exist, these will be merged automatically to create a single model_id column.


character string. If an output_type column does not already exist in tbl, the tbl column name containing output_type data.


character string. If an output_type_id column does not already exist in tbl, the tbl column name containing output_type_id data.


character string. If a value column does not already exist in tbl, the tbl column name containing value data.


character string. Character used as separator when concatenating team_abbr and model_abbr column values into a single model_id string. Only applicable if model_id column not present and team_abbr and model_abbr columns are.


logical. Whether to trim tbl to task ID columns only. Task ID columns can be specified by providing a <hub_connection> class object to hub_con or manually through task_id_cols.


a <hub_connection> class object. Only used if trim_to_task_ids = TRUE and tasks IDs should be determined from the hub config.


a character vector of column names. Only used if trim_to_task_ids = TRUE to manually specify task ID columns to retain. Overrides hub_con argument if provided.


Logical. Whether to remove columns containing only NA.


A model_out_tbl class object.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/flusight", package = "hubUtils")
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path)
hub_con %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%
  collect() %>%
  filter(forecast_date == max(forecast_date)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 92 × 8
#>    model_id     forecast_date horizon target location output_type output_type_id
#>  * <chr>        <date>          <int> <chr>  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         
#>  1 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.01          
#>  2 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.025         
#>  3 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.05          
#>  4 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.1           
#>  5 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.15          
#>  6 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.2           
#>  7 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.25          
#>  8 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.3           
#>  9 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.35          
#> 10 hub-ensemble 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.4           
#> # ℹ 82 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <dbl>